MTM Case-Gard ACCS Ammo Can Combo

MTM Case-Gard makes America's favorite caliber ammo boxes. What better way to store & protect bulk ammo than with MTM Ammo boxes sealed tight inside an MTM Ammo Can
- Water resistant O-Ring seal (MTM Ammo Cans are water-resistant not water proof)
- Available in 4 combo sizes to accommodate virtually any combination and type of ammo:
- ACC308 - 1ea AC11 + 4 ea RM-100's in tactical black (Holds 400 Rounds) RM-100's Hold: 308 Win., 219 Zipper, 22 BR, 22 Cheetah, 22 Sav. HP, 220 Swift, 225 / 243 / 25-284 / 307 / 308 / 6mm-284 Win., 25-35 WCF, 224 Wby. Mag., 250 / 300 Sav., 338 Fed., 22-250 / 244 / 25 / 32 / 35 / 6mm / 7mm-08 Rem., 28-30 Sevens, 360 Nitro Exp 2 1/4 , 375 Rimless 2 1/4 , 5.6x52 Rimmed, 6.5 Creedmor, 6.5x257 Roberts, 6.5x50 Jap. Arisaka, 7.35 Carcano, 7.5x54 French MAS, 7.65x53 Mauser, 7mm TCU, 410 Shotshells. Max. OAL= 3.05"
- ACC45 - 1ea AC50 + 7 ea P-100-45's Ammo Boxes in tactical Black (Holds 700 Rounds) P-100-45's hold: 45 ACP, 45 Auto, 10MM, 40 S&W, 357 Sig
- ACC9 - 1ea AC50 + 10 ea. P-100-9's in tactical black (Holds 1000 Rounds) P-100-9's hold: 9MM Luger, 9MM Makarov, 32 S&W, 38 Short, 380 ACP, 30 Luger, 9x21MM
- ACC223 - 1ea AC50 + 4 ea RS-100's in tactical black (Holds 400 Rounds) RS-100's Hold: 17 Fireball, 17 / 221 / 222 / 223 Rem., 204 Ruger, 218 Bee, 22 Hornet, 222 Rem. Mag., 223 Rem. HP, 25-20 Win., 300 Sherwood, 300 Wisper, 32 Ideal, 32 / 401 Win. S.L., 351 WSL, 6x47, 6mm TCU, 6mm-223 Rem.
- Color: Dark Earth
- Made in the USA
- Price is per piece, packed 6 per case, must order in full cases
About MTM Case-Gard
MTM Case-Gard manufactures high quality ammunition boxes, ammo cans, gun cases, gun cleaning equipment, and ammunition reloading supplies used by military, law enforcement, public safety, police and sheriff's departments, as well as by hunting and shooting sportsmen.
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MTM Case-Gard ACC9 ACC45 ACC223 ACC308